March 14

PhenQ vs Alli | Which One Is Better For Weight Loss?


Fat burners or weight loss supplements can be a great addition to your fitness efforts. These supplements promise to accelerate your progress without any recurring side effects.

The subjects of this comparison — PhenQ and Alli — both fall under the umbrella of weight loss supplements. But, which of the two is the better option for you?

Let’s take a closer look at what these supplements offer and how they work to find out.

Overall Rating: 4.9/5

  • Offers a 5X improvement in your weight loss results.
  • Helps you control your calorie intake.
  • Increases your energy and eliminates fatigue.


Overall Rating: 2.5/5

  • Claims to lower fat absorption by 25%.
  • Reduces your calorie intake.
  • Claims to improve weight loss results by 50%.

What is PhenQ?

PhenQ is one of the most popular fat-burning supplements on the market. What catches our attention about PhenQ is its thorough approach to weight loss. It helps its users get in better shape in multiple ways. The most notable of these for us are:

Faster fat metabolism

The Caffeine and Capsimax powder in its formula increase thermogenesis and boost fat oxidation. This improves the results of your existing weight loss efforts and allows you to get in shape faster.

Reduced hunger

PhenQ includes Chromium and Capsimax powder, both of which are hunger suppressants. These ingredients make you feel full with less food and eliminate cravings for unhealthy carb-heavy snacks. This reduces your calorie intake and makes dieting easier.

Boosted motivation

Staying motivated is essential for success in a weight loss journey. PhenQ ensures that you stay consistent with your plans by eliminating mental fatigue and burnout with L-Carnitine Fumarate.


  • Improves your weight loss from multiple angels;
  • Works for both men and women of all ages (18+);
  • Suitable for folks on a vegan or vegetarian diet;
  • Helps with both physical and mental sides of a weight loss journey.


  • Its caffeine content can cause side effects for some.

What Is Alli?

Alli is a weight loss supplement that stands out for its straightforward approach. It's composed entirely of a single active ingredient, Orlistat, initially developed to treat obesity. However, over time, its use has expanded beyond the obese population, and now it's used by a wider range of individuals seeking weight loss.

What it offers

From our analysis of the supplement, it offers one major benefit and that is to improve the results of your workout efforts. It achieves this by reducing the amount of fat your body absorbs during digestion. This ensures that the weight you lose through dieting and working out doesn’t come back from future fat accumulation. 


As I explained before, the unique thing about Alli is that it has only one active ingredient; Orlistat. It is a lipase inhibitor that’s often prescribed to overweight people who may also have high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, or heart disease.

While Orlistat is effective at preventing weight gain and countering obesity, that is likely not enough for complete weight loss on its own. Take PhenQ, for example. It also has a fat inhibitor in the form of Nopal Cactus. But it also contains Caffeine and Capsimax powder to actively boost the results of your efforts by speeding up fat metabolism.


  • Super basic formula.
  • Reduces future weight gain from your diet.
  • Can lower the risk of diabetes due to obesity.


  • May cause extremely unpleasant side effects, such as fatty stools, gas with discharge and fecal incontinence.
  • Not suitable for vegans due to its gelatin capsule.

Key differences between the two

The main thing that sets these two supplements apart for us is their approach to weight loss.

PhenQ goes all out and targets the issue from multiple angles — helping you achieve your weight loss goals as quickly as possible. For instance, PhenQ provides cognitive support alongside its physical benefits. 

Its L-Carnitine Fumarate content can prevent you from feeling burnt out from your workout efforts. This ensures that you stay consistent with a routine and experience noticeable results faster.

Alli, on the other hand, is solely focused on preventing additional weight gain and keeping you at a calorie deficit. This can make a noticeable difference in your weight if you combine it with a proper diet and intense workout sessions. But, it doesn’t offer anything besides that — like higher energy levels or faster post-workout recovery.

PhenQ Unique Ingredients

The six key ingredients in PhenQ include:

α-Lacys Reset

α-Lacys Reset is a patented formula that can boost the rate of fat metabolism. This allows you to shed excess weight faster without changing your diet or workout routine. 

A 2013 placebo-controlled study on α-Lacys Reset also revealed that it can boost your energy levels, and reduce your hunger. It also enables your body to recover faster after intense workouts so you can stay consistent with your weight loss plan.

Capsimax Powder

Capsimax powder is one of the most effective weight-reducing ingredients in fat burners. A large-scale 2012 study by Whiting et al. put its effects to the test by compiling the results of 90 different trials with 563 total participants. 

After a thorough review of these trials, this review concluded that Capsimax powder can assist your weight loss efforts in three key ways. These include increased energy expenditure, faster lipid (fat) oxidation, and reduced hunger/cravings.

Chromium Picolinate

Chromium Picolinate is a hunger suppressant. Its consumption increases the CCK signals which tricks your brain into thinking that you’re fuller than you actually are. This makes it easier for you to stay on a calorie-deficit diet without feeling hungry at all times. 

Studies also show that Chromium Picolinate intake can reduce cravings for carbohydrate-filled snacks which are a major cause of weight gain.


Caffeine helps you lose weight by boosting your thermogenesis (conversion of calories into energy). This signals your body to burn more fat to compensate for the higher energy expenditure — leading to faster weight loss.

Caffeine intake also boosts your energy levels so you can spend more time working out and greatly accelerate the results of your efforts.

L-Carnitine Fumarate

L-Carnitine Fumarate supplementation boosts the energy output of your body. This makes you feel more energetic and allows you to increase the duration and frequency of your workout sessions. This higher energy consumption also signals your body to convert more fat into energy — leading to noticeably faster weight loss.

Another benefit of L-Carnitine Fumarate is that it improves your cognitive performance. Studies show that its intake can eliminate mental fatigue and make you feel motivated.

Nopal Cactus

Nopal Cactus is a dietary fiber that prevents future fat accumulation. It achieves this by binding itself to dietary fats from a fat-rich, oily diet. This stops the dietary fats from getting absorbed by your system and they’re removed later through digestion without causing any weight gain.

Alli unique ingredients list

Here’s what the only ingredient of Alli does:


According to a 1997 study by Guerciolini R, taking 120 mg Orlistat supplements can prevent around 30% of your dietary fat from being absorbed by your body. This method puts you in a 200-calorie deficit on average, which while preventing future weight gain, doesn't promote healthy, balanced nutrition.

Studies also show how Orlistat can help in reducing risks of diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. However, this simplistic viewpoint doesn't fully take into account the product's adverse side effects and the discomfort these can cause its users. Yes, you may see a lower risk of certain health conditions, but at what cost? This is particularly concerning when considering that there are alternatives that offer weight loss benefits without the associated distressing side effects.

Side Effects

PhenQ, made entirely from natural ingredients, is an excellent choice for those seeking a supplement free from recurring side effects. While it does contain around 75 mg of caffeine, which is a bit less than a single cup of coffee, this isn't typically a concern for most people. However, people that are sensitive to caffeine might experience minor issues such as headaches, insomnia, or a jittery feeling.

Alli, on the other hand, has been known for its unpleasant side effects like nausea, gas, and bloating. More concerning, some of the side effects can include oily or fatty stools, gas with discharge, and explosive diarrhea. In some cases, it can cause more serious side effects such as liver disease or kidney stones, though these are less common.

This is where the strengths of PhenQ become really evident. It is not only efficient in aiding weight loss, but it does so without causing significant discomfort. 


After analyzing the ins and outs of these supplements, it's clear to me that PhenQ takes the lead.

Sure, if you're just trying to keep those extra pounds at bay, especially the ones that sneak up on you because of your diet, both of these supplements will work fine for you.

But, if you're after a more well-rounded and complete weight loss support, PhenQ is your guy. It doesn't just stop at weight loss, it goes the extra mile giving you perks like reducing fatigue, boosting your energy levels, and supercharging your fat-burning processes. This way, you're not just working hard, but also getting results faster. In this race, PhenQ is the one breaking the tape at the finish line!

Editor's Choice: PhenQ

Overall Rating: 
4.9/5 stars





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